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Strategic Plan

ACHE of Upstate New York Strategic Plan

Chapter Name: ACHE of Upstate New York
Affiliated With: American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)

Period Covered: 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2025
Date Adopted: 1/1/2014, Reviewed and updated 7/2023

Overview of Strategic Plan

ACHE of Upstate New Yorks Strategic Plan is intentionally designed to meet objectives in critical areas deemed important to the Board of Directors and chapter membership. The Board members believe the organization must be dynamic and progressive in its efforts to promote both the ACHE of Upstate New York mission and thus the mission of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Assessments of progress will be made periodically to update and/or add new objectives, to modify assignments, to redefine tasks to accomplish objectives, and to decide when and how objectives have been met.

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