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Sponsorship Opportunities

Become a Sponsor

Thank you for your interest in becoming our Sponsor and learning more about our Sponsorship opportunities. We value our sponsors who share our mission of advancing our members and healthcare leadership excellence. ACHE of Upstate New York Board offers many levels of sponsorships for marketing opportunities to our sponsors. These sponsorships allow organizations a benefit of building strong relationships and share commitment to Leadership with ACHE of Upstate New York Board members. In exchange, these sponsorships provide funding that helps ACHE of Upstate New York Board develop meaningful executive education, enhance networking opportunities, and provide additional educational special programs. ACHE of Upstate New York Board sponsors have helped to underwrite the costs of our educational and networking events.

Sponsors could be corporations, healthcare provider organizations, associations, supplier organizations or individual consultants. The various sponsorship packages are described below. ACHE of Upstate New York Board reserves the rights for other benefits as deemed beneficial to sponsor and approved by ACHE of Upstate New York Board.

Sponsorship Packages


Event Sponsorship package includes the following recognition and benefits to sponsor:

  • Prominent display of sponsor name, logo at signs of event.
  • Exhibit/Poster Displays: Sponsor logo printed on exhibits/posters (provided by sponsor) and display sponsoring company’s brochures/materials.
  • 2 Complimentary Event Registrations
  • Event attendee list (as per ACHE national policy)
  • Half-page advert on website acknowledging sponsorship

$2,500 (Per Event)


Gold Sponsorship package includes the following recognition and benefits to sponsor:

  • 2 Complimentary Passes to ACHE of Upstate New York event
  • Website: Sponsor logo placed on ACHE of Upstate New York website and linked to sponsor website
  • Half page advert on website and future newsletter acknowledging sponsorship

$4,500 (Annual)


Silver Sponsorship package includes the following recognition and benefits to sponsor:

  • 1 Complimentary Pass to ACHE of Upstate New York event
  • Website: Sponsor logo placed on ACHE of Upstate New York website and linked to sponsor website
  • Half-page Advert on website acknowledging sponsorship

$2,500 (Annual)


Friends of ACHE of Upstate New York package includes the following recognition and benefit to Friends:

  • Website: Sponsor logo placed on ACHE of Upstate New York website and linked to sponsor website
  • Recognition on website acknowledging Friend of ACHE of Upstate New York

$1,000 (Annual)

Apply to become a Sponsor

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We Greatly Appreciate the Support of Our Sponsors